So this trimester is over. I probably will not do weekly post weekly but I will be posting once in a while. This best photo was taken for my composition assignment way back at the beginning for Depth of Field. I love the innocence of this flower and how it was just randomly placed there by whomever. Hope you enjoy!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Assignmet 7: People
This weekend as I was babysitting, I took pictures of the four girls that I babysat. I had the privilege of using a very nice Canon DSLR camera from my church. I felt so professional:)
Below is the original and photoshoped photo.

I learned that when photographing children, they move and squirm a lot, so in those cases, you need to use a higher shutter speed to catch them in action. It was very cool to use a big, fancy, (expensive) camera :)
Below is the original and photoshoped photo.
Shutter Speed: 1/50
Aperture: f5
ISO: 3200
I learned that when photographing children, they move and squirm a lot, so in those cases, you need to use a higher shutter speed to catch them in action. It was very cool to use a big, fancy, (expensive) camera :)
Friday, November 18, 2011
We had to look up a free photoshop tutorial and try and do it on photoshop by ourselves. I chose to do a simple wedding invitation. Below is the link and my finished picture.
The tutorial wanted you to download grunge brushes off a website that was free. I didn't follow all of the steps, I just made it my own. It was hard to figure it out at first, but if you are familiar with photoshop then you should be fine:)
The tutorial wanted you to download grunge brushes off a website that was free. I didn't follow all of the steps, I just made it my own. It was hard to figure it out at first, but if you are familiar with photoshop then you should be fine:)
Monday, November 14, 2011
Assignment 6: Black and White
This weekend I was inspired by a pair of boots I bought at a new resale shop in town. It has all vintage things and these boots seem to just illuminate in the black and white setting. It brought out the antique look of things like the scuff marks and creases in the leather. I also put thte photo in phototshop and did some thing with the levels. Hope yall enjoy:)
Aperture: f4
Shutter Speed: 1/80
ISO: 800

I learned that it is better to shoot in manual because then you can adjust the aperture, shutter speed and ISO to fit the lighting within the space. Sometimes I got the background wall to be way too over exposed and then others it was too under exposed. I like playing around with the camera. Twas a good experience:)
Aperture: f4
Shutter Speed: 1/80
ISO: 800
I learned that it is better to shoot in manual because then you can adjust the aperture, shutter speed and ISO to fit the lighting within the space. Sometimes I got the background wall to be way too over exposed and then others it was too under exposed. I like playing around with the camera. Twas a good experience:)
Visual Puns
For this assignment we had to think of three puns and put them into context with pictures. We also used photoshop for this, and had to create a 5x5x72 pixel per inch canvas for each one and then put all three puns into a 15x5x72 pixelperinch canvas. For some reason, I had a reel difficult time thinking of puns...
Visual Dictionary
For this assignment we had work with photoshop a lot. First we had to make a 7x5x72 pixels per inch canvas and then think of a word that has meaning. We then put the definition onto the canvas along with pictures that represented the meaning of the word. We had to complete three of these.
I really enjoyed this project because it REALLY got me familiarized with photoshop.
I really enjoyed this project because it REALLY got me familiarized with photoshop.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Happy Veterans Day
Currently I have a sister in the Army National Guard. My father and uncle have both previously served our country and impacted it in a very positive way. Thank you to all soldiers. God Bless.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Assignment 5: Still Life
So I went into my mother's sitting room, shut the blinds, turned off the lights, got a flashlight and shined it on some of my jewelry. I think they turned out pretty good. My Kodak camera always puts out a lot of digital noise. It really erks me... But photoshop can fix many a things!
Aperture: f3.8
Shutter Speed: 1/40
ISO: 400
I learned that my Kodak camera produces major amounts of digital noise and I hate that. You have to really go into depth with setting up a still life shot. But it was fun:)
Aperture: f3.8
Shutter Speed: 1/40
ISO: 400
I learned that my Kodak camera produces major amounts of digital noise and I hate that. You have to really go into depth with setting up a still life shot. But it was fun:)
Friday, November 4, 2011
Portrait Assignment
We learned this week about the "3-Point" Lighting Set-up. This setup for a portrait shot. We took these photos in our library studio. We then had to take a window lighting photo that involved us using a big, white sheet of paper to have the light from the window bounce off and balance the lighting on the person of interest's face. This is what it turned out as:
I learned how to set up a "3-Point" lighting, and how to position the object of interest under the lighting. With window lighting, I learned that you cannot keep the same settings as 3-Point light in window lighting. With the tungsent white balance setting, it will make the photo tint blue.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
School Context
Our job was to take a photo of our school. We then had to "change the context" of the school by placing different pictures of our theme, that we had chosen, to make the school look somewhat interesting.My theme was a ballet studio.
I learned that you always need to make sure you see/change the size of the photo before you select and paste it on to the school picture. I had trouble with that and had to start over multiple times. But I love projects, like this one, that involve using photoshop. :)
Monday, October 31, 2011
Assignment 4: Animals
Assignment Description:
So this week, I chose animals to capture for my assignment. My Toy Fox Terriers, Scottie and Tabby Sue, are very photogenic. They pose all the time, are silly yet cute:). Hope you enjoy.
Aperture: f2.8
Shutter Speed: 1/20
ISO: 640

What I Learned:
I learned that I need to use a higher shutter speed because if an animal moves, you can still capture them. I had a 1/20 shutter speed and my best picture wasn't the best. With a higher shutter speed, I could've captured Scottie's wiskers, moisture on his noise, etc. Practice makes perfect, right?
So this week, I chose animals to capture for my assignment. My Toy Fox Terriers, Scottie and Tabby Sue, are very photogenic. They pose all the time, are silly yet cute:). Hope you enjoy.
Aperture: f2.8
Shutter Speed: 1/20
ISO: 640
What I Learned:
I learned that I need to use a higher shutter speed because if an animal moves, you can still capture them. I had a 1/20 shutter speed and my best picture wasn't the best. With a higher shutter speed, I could've captured Scottie's wiskers, moisture on his noise, etc. Practice makes perfect, right?
Monday, October 24, 2011
For this assignment we took 3-6 picture of a wide angle point of view. We then put them in photo shop and it merges the picture together to make on big. wide angle shot of a room or designated area of our school or outside. Here is what they turned out as:
Assignment 3: Macro
Assignment Description:
For this week, I chose to do Macro for my assignment. One of my favorite thing about fall is when my mother's mum flowers bloom. They are so extravigent and delightful. Photographing them was just a pleasure. I hope you enjoy:)

What I learned:
I learned that in order to take photographs in macro, you have to make sure that the object of intrest takes up pretty much the whole space in the shot. I had a little dificulty with that because I had my Kodak camera and not the Cannon one I use at school. I'll have to admit, not my best work. These photos would fit more in the category of Nature rather than Macro.
For this week, I chose to do Macro for my assignment. One of my favorite thing about fall is when my mother's mum flowers bloom. They are so extravigent and delightful. Photographing them was just a pleasure. I hope you enjoy:)
Aperture: f4.8
Shutter Speed: 1/400
ISO: 400
What I learned:
I learned that in order to take photographs in macro, you have to make sure that the object of intrest takes up pretty much the whole space in the shot. I had a little dificulty with that because I had my Kodak camera and not the Cannon one I use at school. I'll have to admit, not my best work. These photos would fit more in the category of Nature rather than Macro.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Assignment 2: Sepia
For this assignment, I had to get an approval from my teacher to do a Sepia photo assignment because it was not on our list to pick from. Sepia is one of my favorite settings to work with on a camera. I chose it to bring out the antique look of an object such as: a lawn mower, tools, a barn etc. I hope you all enjoy!

Aperture: f3.4
Shutter Speed: 1/80
ISO: 800

What I learned:
I learned that going outside of what you are told to do is better because then you make the assignment your own; you have no limits to what you can do. Working with sepia was fun, but you have to control how much you expose and under expose if you use it (which is really easy to do:). The section of "other" was possibly my favorite so far in this class.

Aperture: f3.4
Shutter Speed: 1/80
ISO: 800
What I learned:
I learned that going outside of what you are told to do is better because then you make the assignment your own; you have no limits to what you can do. Working with sepia was fun, but you have to control how much you expose and under expose if you use it (which is really easy to do:). The section of "other" was possibly my favorite so far in this class.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Inspirations of Sepia
This week I am doing an open assignment. I am going to photograph in the setting of sepia to portray the antique and old look of things. This weekend I will be going to my grandparents in Ohio and they have a barn down there with cows and some old, rusted cars. I'm excited for this assignment:)
This week I am doing an open assignment. I am going to photograph in the setting of sepia to portray the antique and old look of things. This weekend I will be going to my grandparents in Ohio and they have a barn down there with cows and some old, rusted cars. I'm excited for this assignment:)
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Assignment 1: Nature and Landscapes
My assignment was about nature and landscapes. I went to Millpond Park one Saturday morning and I took many photos of flowers, trees, hills etc. Depth of field was really my friend in this project. This picture below is the best one of all my pictures:
Exposure Triangle:
fstop: f2.8
Shutter speed: 1/20
ISO: 800

The assignment was very fun. It made me look at the real aspects of nature and different ways to capture it in a photo. If I could, I would choose to do this assignment over and over again; that's how much i liked it.
Exposure Triangle:
fstop: f2.8
Shutter speed: 1/20
ISO: 800
The assignment was very fun. It made me look at the real aspects of nature and different ways to capture it in a photo. If I could, I would choose to do this assignment over and over again; that's how much i liked it.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Photoshop Car
In class, we downloaded a photo taken by Noelle Jacobs. She had taken her photo and Photoshopped it. Our job was to take her original photo and Photoshopped it as she did. We had to edit it to make it match up as much as possible. I liked this assignment because it let me access Photoshop and allowed me to familiarized myself with it. Once you follow the directions the first time, it is really easy to get yourself around in Photoshop.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Motion Demo
This motion demo that we did in class was supplied to help us portray motion in a photo. Motion is one of assignments to choose from on our list. It was really cool to work with. I feel like I will be able to get some really cool shots by controlling my aperture, shutter speed and ISO number.
I learned that you have to follow the object of interest while you are taking the photo. You cannot stop and take the photo. If you do that, you will not get the motion blur in the background. The blur will be on the object of interest. You also have to know how to control the shutter speed, aperture and ISO.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Nature and Landscape Inspiration
In class we have multiple assignments that direct us to capture images with our digital cameras that portray people, nature, food, animals, etc. For my first assignment I have chosen to do Nature and Landscapes. Fall is right around the corner and is almost practically here! The leaves will be changing and the roads will be lined with trees of marigold and burgundy. Here are some links that I have found inspirational to me:
I hope that this project will be fun and exciting! Fall is my favorite season of the four:)
I hope that this project will be fun and exciting! Fall is my favorite season of the four:)
Monday, October 3, 2011
Pop Art Assignment
In this assignment, we took a photo of ourselves in photo booth and edited it in photoshop. It reminded me of the work from Andy Worhal with the same photo just different different colors. The process of getting your photo to be pop art was a little bit tricky because you have to follow the directions as it says to. Eventually the photo was correct:)
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Composition Assignment
Assignment Description:
When we began this project, we had to first take notes on the elements of composition. On the website we researched, there were example pictures of each element which helped a lot. We then took photos around our surroundings of school and our homes of lines, space, pattern etc. Setting up a photo shop account helped us enhance our picture to their maximum ability. By setting up this blogger account, we can display our photos for everyone to see.
Photo Description:
Rule of Thirds: "Amelia with her camera outside"
Perspective: "Tree with sun"
Symmetry: "Rose petals on brick"
Depth of Field: "Pink flower on rocks"
Texture: "Upward view of tree"
Balance: "Hands on piano"
Lines: "Railing"
Pattern: "Clothes pins"
Color: "Markers"
Space: "Converse shoes"
Framing: "Silhouette of Brian"

What I learned:
I learned that your can't really take a picture and call it awesome. You have to take into effect the elements around you. Being a photographer is a very complicated job because you can't always find balance or pattern(etc.) in your surroundings. Also i now have all the elements pretty much memorized.
When we began this project, we had to first take notes on the elements of composition. On the website we researched, there were example pictures of each element which helped a lot. We then took photos around our surroundings of school and our homes of lines, space, pattern etc. Setting up a photo shop account helped us enhance our picture to their maximum ability. By setting up this blogger account, we can display our photos for everyone to see.
Photo Description:
Rule of Thirds: "Amelia with her camera outside"
Perspective: "Tree with sun"
Symmetry: "Rose petals on brick"
Depth of Field: "Pink flower on rocks"
Texture: "Upward view of tree"
Balance: "Hands on piano"
Lines: "Railing"
Pattern: "Clothes pins"
Color: "Markers"
Space: "Converse shoes"
Framing: "Silhouette of Brian"
What I learned:
I learned that your can't really take a picture and call it awesome. You have to take into effect the elements around you. Being a photographer is a very complicated job because you can't always find balance or pattern(etc.) in your surroundings. Also i now have all the elements pretty much memorized.
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