Monday, November 7, 2011

Assignment 5: Still Life

So I went into my mother's sitting room, shut the blinds, turned off the lights, got a flashlight and shined it on some of my jewelry. I think they turned out pretty good. My Kodak camera always puts out a lot of digital noise. It really erks me... But photoshop can fix many a things!

Aperture: f3.8
Shutter Speed: 1/40
ISO: 400

I learned that my Kodak camera produces major amounts of digital noise and I hate that. You have to really go into depth with setting up a still life shot. But it was fun:)


  1. I really the ideas you had for still life. I also like the lighting that you used in some of the pictures, it really mad them pop.

  2. I love the photoshop version. The colors you used really made your name pop and I think it was a really cool idea.

  3. You are a champ. What a great photo. I like how all the attention is drawn toward the name thing with the light and all. Keep it up, kid.
